Gene Details:
- Gene ID:
- Gene Symbol: TaRBP1
- Gene Name: RNA-binding protein 1
- Genome: Chinese_Spring1.0
- Species: Triticum aestivum
Functional Descriptions:
- Identified a wheat RNA-binding protein 1 (TaRBP1) and TaRBP1 mRNA accumulation significantly decreased in wheat after infection by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst).
- TaRBP1 stabilized TaGLTP in plants by protecting TaGLTP from proteolytic degradation mediated by the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway.
- TaRBP1 and TaGLTP may be involved in sphingolipid metabolism during Pst–wheat interaction.
- Knockdown of TaRBP1 via virus-induced gene silencing conferred strong resistance to Pst by enhancing host plant reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and cell death, indicating that TaRBP1 may act as a negative regulator in response to Pst.
- TaRBP1 formed a homopolymer and interacted with TaRBP1 C-terminus in plants. Additionally, TaRBP1 physically interacted with TaGLTP, a sphingosine transfer protein. Knockdown of TaGLTP enhanced wheat resistance to the virulent Pst CYR31.
Function-related keywords:
- TaRBP1 stabilizes TaGLTP and negatively regulates stripe rust resistance in wheat. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13364 ; PMID: 37306522
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Gene Resources:
cDNA Sequence
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence