Gene Details:
- Gene ID:
- Gene Symbol: SlIAA15
- Gene Name: Auxin-responsive protein
- Genome: Tomato Genome version SL4.0
- Species: Solanum lycopersicum
Functional Descriptions:
- The tomato SlIAA15 is involved in trichome formation and axillary shoot development.
- Functional characterization of SlIAA15, a member of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Aux/IAA family, shows that the encoded protein acts as a strong repressor of auxin-dependent transcription.
- The physiological significance of SlIAA15 was addressed by a reverse genetics approach, revealing that SlIAA15 plays multiple roles in plant developmental processes.
- The leaves of SlIAA15-inhibited plants are dark green and thick, with larger pavement cells, longer palisade cells and larger intercellular space of spongy mesophyll cells.
- The SlIAA15-suppressed plants exhibit a strong reduction in type I, V and VI trichome formation, suggesting that auxin-dependent transcriptional regulation is required for trichome initiation.
Function-related keywords:
- development , shoot , auxin , plant-development , iaa , transcriptional-repressor , trichome-initiation , protein
- The tomato SlIAA15 is involved in trichome formation and axillary shoot development. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04053.x ; PMID: 22409484
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Gene Resources:
cDNA Sequence
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence