Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • The tomato plastidic fructokinase SlFRK3 plays a role in xylem development.
  • GUS staining indicated SlFRK3 expression in vascular tissues of the leaves and stems, including cambium, differentiating xylem, young xylem fibers and phloem companion cells.
  • Suppression of SlFRK3 reduced the stem xylem area, stem and root water conductance, and whole-plant transpiration, with minor effects on plant development.
  • The tomato plastidic fructokinase SlFRK3 plays a role in xylem development.
  • Suppression of SlFRK3 led to reduced water conductance in stem and roots.


Gene Resources:



cDNA Sequence
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence