Gene Details:

Functional Description:

  • Here, we found that 50 mM β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) treatment could induce two distinct pathways linked with TGA1-related systemic acquired resistance (SAR), resulting in the alleviation of Rhizopus rot in postharvest peach fruit.
  • The first priming phase was elicited by BABA alone, leading to the enhanced transcription of redox-regulated genes and posttranslational modification of PpTGA1. The second phase was activated by an H2O2 burst via up-regulation of PpRBOH genes and stimulation of the MAPK cascade on pathogen invasion, resulting in a robust defence.
  • In a preliminary trial, a novel group C MAPK kinase of PpMAPKK5 was identified as a PpTGA1 binding partner that was positively involved in induced resistance against R. stolonifer in peaches.


Gene Resources:

  • NCBI ID:
  • UniProt accessions:


kinase,resistance,pathogen,defence,aminobutyric acid,pathogen resistance


  • CDS Sequence:
  • Protein Sequence: