Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • Exogenous ET (ethephon) and JA (methyl jasmonate) supply on the shoots induced a strong systemic defense response in the roots, exemplified by a major up-regulation of pathogenesis-related genes OsPR1a and OsPR1b, while the salicylic acid analog BTH (benzo-1,2,3-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester) was a less potent systemic defense inducer from shoot to root.
  • Here, we report characterization of a rice basic PR1 (OsPR1b) gene, identified from screening a cDNA library prepared from jasmonic acid (JA)-treated rice seedling leaf, providing detailed and valuable insights into rice PR1 gene expression.
  • Co-treatment of leaf blades with CK and salicylic acid (SA), but not with either one alone, markedly induced pathogenesis-related genes OsPR1b and probenazole-induced protein 1 (PBZ1).
  • The simultaneous application of SA, and ABA, with JA, respectively, showed almost complete inhibition of the JA-induced OsPR1b transcript by 200 microM SA or ABA, but not by 100 microM concentrated solutions, suggesting a potential interaction among JA, SA, and ABA, whereas KN dramatically enhanced JA-induced OsPR1b transcript upon simultaneous application.
  • The JA-inducible OsPR1b gene was also up-regulated by salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), and kinetin (KN).
  • Furthermore, two marker genes in defense signaling pathway, OsNPR1 and OsPR1b, were constitutively expressed in OsWRKY71-overexpressing transgenic plants.
  • These results suggest that OsWRKY71 might function as a transcriptional regulator upstream of OsNPR1 and OsPR1b in rice defense signaling pathways.
  • We postulated that OsPR1b may participate in the resistance signaling pathway of rice.
  • Of simultaneous treatments with hormones and pathogenic bacteria, exogenously applying JA and ET significantly increased the expression level of OsPR1b genes in seedlings.
  • However, cotreatment with JA or ET and pathogenic bacteria managed to significantly upregulate the expression level of the OsPR1b gene by 4.
  • Compared with the control group that was inoculated with water, inoculation with a mixture of water and pathogenic bacteria hardly affected the expression level of OsPR1b gene, while cotreatment with SA and pathogenic bacteria slightly upregulated the expression level.
  • Interestingly, exposure to a rice bacterial pathogen also triggered the expression of OsDXS3 while the expression of Os02g0582900 and PR1b was down-regulated, suggesting that these genes might play a key role in rice-bacteria interactions.


Gene Resources:


cDNA Sequence
  • >LOC_Os01g28450.1
CDS Sequence
  • >LOC_Os01g28450.1
Protein Sequence
  • >LOC_Os01g28450.1