Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • Our findings reveal the molecular mechanism of the antagonistic gene paralogs RH1 and RH2 in determining anthocyanin leaf markings in M. truncatula, providing a multidimensional paralogous–antagonistic regulatory paradigm for fine-tuning patterned pigmentation
  • RH2 has lost transcriptional activation activity, due to a divergent C-terminal domain, but retains the ability to interact with the same partners, MtTT8 and MtWD40-1, as RH1, thereby acting as a competitor in the regulatory complex and exerting opposite effects.
  • Indicating RH2 may not directly regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis, although RH2 negatively affects M. truncatula anthocyanin leaf markings.
  • RH2 negatively regulates anthocyanin leaf markings by multidimensionally antagonizing RH1.


Gene Resources:



  • CDS Sequence:
  • Protein Sequence: