Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • The expression of HvSTP13 increased on bacterial and fungal pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) application, suggesting a PAMP-triggered signalling that converged on the transcriptional induction of the gene.
  • Confirmed that the nonfunctional HvSTP13GR variant confers resistance against an economically relevant biotrophic rust fungus in barley.
  • These results confirm not only that HvSTP13 is induced as a consequence of fungal and bacterial PAMP-signalling, but also suggest a potential role in PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI)-related processes.
  • It is conceivable that the presence of the transport-deficient HvSTP13GR mutant dominantly affects the function of the wild-type HvSTP13, comparable to the reported resistance mechanism for TaSTP13GR and MtSTP13GR.


Gene Resources:



cDNA Sequence
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence