Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • Barley TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION1 (HvTDF1) gene reveals conserved and unique roles in controlling anther tapetum development in dicot and monocot plants.
  • Homozygous barley HvTDF1 mutants exhibit male sterility with retarded tapetum development, delayed tapetum endomitosis and cell wall degeneration, resulting in enlarged, vacuolated tapetum surrounding collapsing microspores.
  • This indicates that tapetum development shares similarity between monocot and dicots| however, barley HvTDF1 appears to uniquely act as a modifier to activate tapetum gene expression pathways, which are subsequently also induced by other factors.
  • The absence of HvTDF1 results in delayed developmental progression rather than pathway failure, although inevitably still results in pollen degeneration.


Gene Resources:



cDNA Sequence
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence