Gene Details:
- Gene ID:
- Gene Symbol: CmACS7
- Gene Name:
- Genome: Melon (Charmono) v1.1
- Species: Cucumis melo
Functional Descriptions:
- CmACS7-mediated ethylene production in carpel primordia enhances cell expansion and represses cell division, leading to elongated fruit.
- Identified the causal gene as the monoecy sex determination gene CmACS7, and survey of melon germplasms showed strong association between fruit shape and sexual types.
- In melon, the fruit shape QTL fs2.2 co-segregates with the Monoecy (separate male and female flowers on the same plant) gene, CmACS7, encoding for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase, the rate-limiting enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis.
- A null allele of CmACS7. We reveal how ethylene produced by CmACS7 controls cell division and elongation, providing mechanistic insights into fruit shape regulation in plants.
Function-related keywords:
- Ethylene plays a dual role in sex determination and fruit shape in cucurbits. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.031 ; PMID: 35525245
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: