Gene Details:

Functional Description:

  • Identified CgCaN that encodes a Ca2+-dependent DNase in the fruit of Citrus grandis ‘Tomentosa’, the function of which was studied using calcium ion localization, DNase activity assays, in situ hybridization, and protein immunolocalization.
  • CgCaN functions in the degradation of genomic DNA in the nucleus during PCD of the secretory cavity cells in the fruit of C. grandis, and that it is located in the nucleus.
  • In situ hybridization signals of CgCaN were particularly distributed in the secretory cavity cells. Ca2+ and Ca2+-dependent DNases were mainly observed in the condensed chromatin and in the nucleolus.
  • We speculate that CaM and CDPK proteins might be involved in Ca2+ transport from the extracellular walls through the cytoplasm and into the nucleus to activate CgCaN for DNA degradation.


Gene Resources:

  • NCBI ID:
  • UniProt accessions:



  • CDS Sequence:
  • Protein Sequence: