Gene Details:
- Gene ID: AT4G29840
- Gene Symbol: MKO1, MTO2, TS, TSY1
- Description: Pyridoxal-5-phosphate-dependent enzyme family protein;(source:Araport11)
- TAIR Accession:
- Genome: Araport11_genome_release
- Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant Ontology Annotations:
- PO:0000037 — shoot axis apex — ápice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0008019 — leaf lamina base — base de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉身基部 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0009006 — shoot system — sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae crown (related), shoot (related), thalli (related), thallus (related), tree crown (narrow)
- PO:0009009 — plant embryo — embrión (Spanish, exact), 植物胚 (Japanese, exact), germ (related), embryo (broad)
- PO:0009025 — vascular leaf — foliage leaf (exact), hoja vascular (Spanish, exact), leaf, vascular (exact), vascular leaves (exact, plural), 維管束のある葉, または維管束植物の葉 (Japanese, exact), crozier (related), macrophyll (related), megaphyll (related), ascidia (narrow), ascidium (narrow), fiddlehead (narrow), frond (narrow), needle-like leaf (narrow), pitcher (narrow), pitcher blade (narrow), pitcher-blade (narrow), scale-like leaf (narrow), sterile frond (narrow), trophophyll (narrow)
- PO:0009029 — stamen — estambre (Spanish, exact), 雄蕊 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae stamen (narrow), Zea stamen (narrow)
- PO:0009031 — sepal — sépalo (Spanish, exact), がく片 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0009046 — flower — flor (Spanish, exact), 花 (Japanese, exact), floret (related), Asteraceae floret (narrow), basal flower (narrow), double flower (narrow), hermaphrodite flower (narrow), monoclinous flower (narrow), perfect flower (narrow)
- PO:0009052 — inflorescence flower pedicel — 小花柄 (Japanese, related), pedicelo (Spanish, broad)
- PO:0020030 — cotyledon — cotiledón (Spanish, exact), seed leaf (exact), 子葉 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0020038 — petiole — pecíolo (Spanish, exact), 葉柄 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0020100 — hypocotyl — hipocótile (Spanish, exact), 胚軸 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0020137 — leaf apex — ápice de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉先 (Japanese, exact), leaf lamina apex (narrow), phyllid apex (narrow)
- PO:0025022 — collective leaf structure — estructura colectiva de hoja (Spanish, exact), leaf series (exact), 葉が集まった構造 (Japanese, exact), leaf whorl (narrow), rosette (narrow), cycle (broad), verticil (broad)
- PO:0025281 — pollen — polen (Spanish, exact), pollen grain (exact), 花粉 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0000293 — guard cell — célula guardiana (Spanish, exact), occlusive cell (exact), 孔辺細胞 (Japanese, exact)
Germplasm Phenotype:
- CS208 — methionine over-accumulation; in young rosettes: soluble Met over-accumulates 20-fold greater than Ws wild-type; S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) over-accumulates 3-fold; and soluble Thr levels are 6% of that in wild-type; line is also resistant to 10uM ethionine, a toxic analogue of Met; 1:2:1 segregation of resistance to 10uM L-ethionine phenotype
- CS73272 — Seedlings develop a short primary root, 2 to 4 mm, as a result of root apical meristem (RAM) exhaustion. At five days after germination (dag), the RAM exhaustion starts and by 10-12 dag no RAM is present. Therefore, the mutant shows determinate root growth in the primary root and most of the lateral roots. Shoot growth is much slower and shoots are shorter than in Wt Ler, but the mutant produces a functional inflorescence and viable seeds.
- mto2-2 — The phenotype is also described in Hernández-Barrera et al., 2011, DOI 10.1007/s00425-011-1470-4. At that time the mutant name was moots koom1, mko1 (short root in Mayan). It was renamed to mto2-2 when a gene responsible for mutation was identified. Seedlings develop a short primary root, 2 to 4 mm. The arrested growth is a result of the root apical meristem (RAM) exhaustion. In just germinated seedlings, the RAM organization and tissue patterning are not affected. However, at five days after germination (dag), the RAM exhaustion starts and by 10-12 dag no RAM is present. Therefore, the mutant shows typical determinate root growth. Most of lateral roots also show determinate growth. Shoot growth is much slower and shoots are shorter than in Wt, but the mutant produces functional inflorescence and viable seeds.
Function-related keywords:
- shoot axis apex , leaf lamina base , shoot system , plant embryo , vascular leaf , stamen , sepal , flower , inflorescence flower pedicel , cotyledon , petiole , hypocotyl , leaf apex , collective leaf structure , pollen , guard cell
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cDNA Sequence
- >AT4G29840.1
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence