Gene Details:

  • Gene ID: AT4G29040
  • Gene Symbol: RPT2a
  • Gene Name: regulatory particle AAA-ATPase 2A
  • Description: regulatory particle AAA-ATPase 2A;(source:Araport11)
  • TAIR Accession:
  • Genome: Araport11_genome_release
  • Species: Arabidopsis thaliana


Plant Ontology Annotations:

  • PO:0000025  — root tip — punta de la raíz (Spanish, exact), 根端 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0000056  — flower bud — floral bud (exact), yema floral (Spanish, exact), 花芽 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0000059  — root initial cell — célula inicial de la raíz (Spanish, exact), root initial (exact), 根始原細胞 (Japanese, exact), root stem cell (related)
  • PO:0009005  — root — raíz (Spanish, exact), radices (exact, plural), radix (exact), 根 (Japanese, exact), aerial root (narrow), climbing root (narrow)
  • PO:0009025  — vascular leaf — foliage leaf (exact), hoja vascular (Spanish, exact), leaf, vascular (exact), vascular leaves (exact, plural), 維管束のある葉, または維管束植物の葉 (Japanese, exact), crozier (related), macrophyll (related), megaphyll (related), ascidia (narrow), ascidium (narrow), fiddlehead (narrow), frond (narrow), needle-like leaf (narrow), pitcher (narrow), pitcher blade (narrow), pitcher-blade (narrow), scale-like leaf (narrow), sterile frond (narrow), trophophyll (narrow)
  • PO:0009047  — stem — caña (Spanish, exact), culm (exact), eje primario (Spanish, exact), primary axis (exact), primary stem (exact), tallo (Spanish, exact), tronco (Spanish, exact), 茎 (Japanese, exact), bole (narrow), cane (narrow), caudex (narrow), caudices (narrow), core (narrow), primocane (narrow), scape (narrow), stalk (narrow), trunk (narrow)
  • PO:0009108  — inflorescence apical meristem — meristema apical de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact), 花序頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020148  — shoot apical meristem — SAM (exact), meristema apical del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), 茎頂分裂組織 (Japanese, exact), primary shoot meristem (related), promeristem (broad)
  • PO:0020149  — quiescent center — centro de division de células del meristema (Spanish, exact), 静止中心 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0000037  — shoot axis apex — ápice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0008019  — leaf lamina base — base de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉身基部 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0009006  — shoot system — sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae crown (related), shoot (related), thalli (related), thallus (related), tree crown (narrow)
  • PO:0009009  — plant embryo — embrión (Spanish, exact), 植物胚 (Japanese, exact), germ (related), embryo (broad)
  • PO:0009029  — stamen — estambre (Spanish, exact), 雄蕊 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae stamen (narrow), Zea stamen (narrow)
  • PO:0009031  — sepal — sépalo (Spanish, exact), がく片 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0009046  — flower — flor (Spanish, exact), 花 (Japanese, exact), floret (related), Asteraceae floret (narrow), basal flower (narrow), double flower (narrow), hermaphrodite flower (narrow), monoclinous flower (narrow), perfect flower (narrow)
  • PO:0009052  — inflorescence flower pedicel — 小花柄 (Japanese, related), pedicelo (Spanish, broad)
  • PO:0020030  — cotyledon — cotiledón (Spanish, exact), seed leaf (exact), 子葉 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020038  — petiole — pecíolo (Spanish, exact), 葉柄 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020100  — hypocotyl — hipocótile (Spanish, exact), 胚軸 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020137  — leaf apex — ápice de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉先 (Japanese, exact), leaf lamina apex (narrow), phyllid apex (narrow)
  • PO:0025022  — collective leaf structure — estructura colectiva de hoja (Spanish, exact), leaf series (exact), 葉が集まった構造 (Japanese, exact), leaf whorl (narrow), rosette (narrow), cycle (broad), verticil (broad)
  • PO:0025281  — pollen — polen (Spanish, exact), pollen grain (exact), 花粉 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0006085  — root meristem — meristema de la raíz (Spanish, exact), 根分裂組織 (Japanese, exact), meristematic zone (related)
  • PO:0025279  — megagametophyte — female gametophyte (exact), megagametofito (Spanish, exact), 大配偶体 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0025280  — microgametophyte — male gametophyte (exact), microgametofito (Spanish, exact), 小配偶体 (Japanese, exact)

Germplasm Phenotype:

  • CS71575  — Large plants with narrow leaves and mildly serrated leaf margins. Hyposensitivity to proteasome inhibitor MG132.
  • CS71576  — Very small plants with narrow leaves, severely serrated leaf margins, and abaxial leaf spurs. Abaxialized flowers lacking obvious sepals, petals, or stamens. Occasionally fasciated infloresence meristems. Hyposensitivity to proteasome inhibitor MG132.
  • hlr-1  — The hlr-1 (halted root-1) mutant has defective cell organization in the post-embryonic root and shoot apical meristems. Quiescent center cell identity in the root is lost after germination and expression of the organizing center marker WUSCHEL in the shoot is disrupted. However, cells in differentiated tissues maintain their normal identities. hlr-1 mutants have shorter roots, aberrant lateral root primordia positioning, abnormal leaf shape and phyllotaxy, and irregular shoot structure.
  • hlr-2  — The hlr-2 mutant is reported to share the same morphological characteristics with the hlr-1 mutant, but to have a slightly milder phenotype. hlr-1 has defects in root and shoot apical meristem organization, and root and shoot development.
  • hlr-2  — The rpt2a-2 mutant has modest defects in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis via the 26S proteasome, rendering it somewhat more sensitive to misfolded proteins that are degraded in a 26S-proteasome / Ub-dependent manner. However, it also has modestly increased levels of the 20S core particle of the proteasome, and exhibits some reduced sensitivity to oxidative stress, presumably since oxidatively damaged proteins can be degraded in a 20S proteasome-dependent, but 26S proteasome /Ub-independent manner. The mutant has shorter roots than WT plants.



cDNA Sequence
  • >AT4G29040.1
CDS Sequence
Protein Sequence