Gene Details:

  • Gene ID: AT3G48750
  • Gene Symbol: CDC2, CDC2A, CDC2AAT, CDK2, CDKA1, CDKA;1
  • Gene Name: cell division control 2
  • Description: cell division control 2;(source:Araport11)
  • TAIR Accession: locus:2099478
  • Genome: Araport11_genome_release
  • Species: Arabidopsis thaliana


Plant Ontology Annotations:

  • PO:0000037  — shoot axis apex — ápice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0008019  — leaf lamina base — base de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉身基部 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0009005  — root — raíz (Spanish, exact), radices (exact, plural), radix (exact), 根 (Japanese, exact), aerial root (narrow), climbing root (narrow)
  • PO:0009006  — shoot system — sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae crown (related), shoot (related), thalli (related), thallus (related), tree crown (narrow)
  • PO:0009009  — plant embryo — embrión (Spanish, exact), 植物胚 (Japanese, exact), germ (related), embryo (broad)
  • PO:0009025  — vascular leaf — foliage leaf (exact), hoja vascular (Spanish, exact), leaf, vascular (exact), vascular leaves (exact, plural), 維管束のある葉, または維管束植物の葉 (Japanese, exact), crozier (related), macrophyll (related), megaphyll (related), ascidia (narrow), ascidium (narrow), fiddlehead (narrow), frond (narrow), needle-like leaf (narrow), pitcher (narrow), pitcher blade (narrow), pitcher-blade (narrow), scale-like leaf (narrow), sterile frond (narrow), trophophyll (narrow)
  • PO:0009029  — stamen — estambre (Spanish, exact), 雄蕊 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae stamen (narrow), Zea stamen (narrow)
  • PO:0009031  — sepal — sépalo (Spanish, exact), がく片 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0009046  — flower — flor (Spanish, exact), 花 (Japanese, exact), floret (related), Asteraceae floret (narrow), basal flower (narrow), double flower (narrow), hermaphrodite flower (narrow), monoclinous flower (narrow), perfect flower (narrow)
  • PO:0009052  — inflorescence flower pedicel — 小花柄 (Japanese, related), pedicelo (Spanish, broad)
  • PO:0020030  — cotyledon — cotiledón (Spanish, exact), seed leaf (exact), 子葉 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020038  — petiole — pecíolo (Spanish, exact), 葉柄 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020100  — hypocotyl — hipocótile (Spanish, exact), 胚軸 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0020137  — leaf apex — ápice de la hoja (Spanish, exact), 葉先 (Japanese, exact), leaf lamina apex (narrow), phyllid apex (narrow)
  • PO:0025022  — collective leaf structure — estructura colectiva de hoja (Spanish, exact), leaf series (exact), 葉が集まった構造 (Japanese, exact), leaf whorl (narrow), rosette (narrow), cycle (broad), verticil (broad)
  • PO:0025281  — pollen — polen (Spanish, exact), pollen grain (exact), 花粉 (Japanese, exact)
  • PO:0000014  — rosette leaf — hoja en roseta (Spanish, exact), ロゼット葉 (Japanese, exact)

Gene Ontology:

  • GO:0042023  — acts upstream of or within — DNA endoreduplication
  • GO:0010444  — involved in — guard mother cell differentiation
  • GO:0005634  — is active in — nucleus
  • GO:0005515  — enables — protein binding
  • GO:0005634  — located in — nucleus
  • GO:0000911  — acts upstream of or within — cytokinesis by cell plate formation
  • GO:0004672  — enables — protein kinase activity
  • GO:0009555  — involved in — pollen development
  • GO:0040020  — acts upstream of or within — regulation of meiotic nuclear division
  • GO:0009793  — acts upstream of or within — embryo development ending in seed dormancy
  • GO:0010235  — involved in — guard mother cell cytokinesis
  • GO:0009555  — acts upstream of or within — pollen development
  • GO:0008353  — enables — RNA polymerase II CTD heptapeptide repeat kinase activity
  • GO:0048229  — acts upstream of or within — gametophyte development
  • GO:0010494  — located in — cytoplasmic stress granule
  • GO:0098725  — involved in — symmetric cell division

Germplasm Phenotype:

  • CS2106711  — lethal if germinated on soil, severely affected if grown on MS plates or in liquid medium, reaches size of several mm in diameter in weeks. homozygous (sterile and severely affected) only under aseptic conditions on 0.5 MS 1% sucrose
  • CS69133  — Homozygous cdc2a-1 mutants are lethal if germinated on soil. If grown on MS plates or in liquid medium (0.5 MS 1% sucrose), homozygous cdc2a-1 is sterile and severely affected, reaching a size of several mm in diameter in weeks. Defect during second mitotic division of pollen development results in pollen with a single generative and vegetative cell. Fertilization by pollen from heterozygous cdc2a mutant plants causes seed abortion.
  • CS69918  — Cell cycle hypomorph exhibiting diminished CDKA;1 activity with a compromised ability to bind substrates. Approximately one quarter of seeds in siliques will contain small embryos with fewer but enlarged cells and cotyledons that do not, or only partially, fold to one side. Homozygous mutants are entirely female- and male-sterile.
  • CS71746  — Cell cycle hypomorph. Both wild-type and mutant, single sperm pollen can be found. Plants homozygous for cdka;1 are sterile.
  • SALK_106809  — Homozygous are lethal. In self-fertilized heterozygous, severe seed defects were observed in the mature siliques, whereas no obvious defect was observed before the reproductive stage. The mature siliques contain normal and aborted seeds at a 1:1 ratio. Male gametophytic lethal. Microspores normally undergo an asymmetric cell division, pollen mitosis I (PMI), to produce bicellular pollen grains. The larger vegetative cell does not divide, but the smaller generative cell undergoes mitosis, PMII, to form the two sperm cells, thereby generating tricellular pollen grains. Embryo is arrested at the globular stage, most likely because of loss of endosperm development, whereas it is arrested at the one- or two-cell stage in presumptive homozygous plants
  • T161D  — strongly decreased kinase activity, T161D plants showed various developmental defects; strongly reduced in growth. contained embryos that were small and displayed cotyledons that did not fold to one side; exhibited fewer but enlarged cells After germination, fewer and smaller leaves were generated by the T161D plants. Sterile phenotype; although all floral organs were present, the plants were entirely female- and male-sterile
  • cdc2a-1  — Reduced fertility, failure to transmit through pollen. Pollen development affected at the second mitotic division resulting in pollen with a single generative and vegetative cell. Pollen can germinate and fertilize the egg cell but embryos arrest. Unfertilized endosperm develops.
  • cdc2a-2  — Reduced fertility, failure to transmit through pollen. Pollen development affected at the second mitotic division resulting in pollen with a single generative and vegetative cell. Pollen can germinate and fertilize the egg cell but embryos arrest. Unfertilized endosperm develops.
  • res1 rvms-2  — Weak allele mutant of CDKA;1 acts as a restorer of rvms (RES1)



cDNA Sequence
  • >AT3G48750.1
CDS Sequence
  • >AT3G48750.1
Protein Sequence
  • >AT3G48750.1