Gene Details:
- Gene ID: AT3G27920
- Gene Symbol: ATGL1, ATMYB0, GL1, MAU3, MYB0
- Gene Name: myb domain protein 0, GLABRA 1, MALAMBRUNO3, myb domain protein 0
- Description: myb domain protein 0;(source:Araport11)
- TAIR Accession:
- Genome: Araport11_genome_release
- Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant Ontology Annotations:
- PO:0000037 — shoot axis apex — ápice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact)
- PO:0009006 — shoot system — sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact), シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact), Poaceae crown (related), shoot (related), thalli (related), thallus (related), tree crown (narrow)
- PO:0009025 — vascular leaf — foliage leaf (exact), hoja vascular (Spanish, exact), leaf, vascular (exact), vascular leaves (exact, plural), 維管束のある葉, または維管束植物の葉 (Japanese, exact), crozier (related), macrophyll (related), megaphyll (related), ascidia (narrow), ascidium (narrow), fiddlehead (narrow), frond (narrow), needle-like leaf (narrow), pitcher (narrow), pitcher blade (narrow), pitcher-blade (narrow), scale-like leaf (narrow), sterile frond (narrow), trophophyll (narrow)
- PO:0009046 — flower — flor (Spanish, exact), 花 (Japanese, exact), floret (related), Asteraceae floret (narrow), basal flower (narrow), double flower (narrow), hermaphrodite flower (narrow), monoclinous flower (narrow), perfect flower (narrow)
Germplasm Phenotype:
- CS1644 — leaf margins slightly serrated, height = 25-35 cm; glabrous (gl1, lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS1688 — leaf margins slightly serrated, height = 25-35 cm; glabrous (gl1, lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS2110203 — trichomes absent on leaves and stems
- CS225 — dominant mutation; no visible phenotype when grown in soil; when grown in vitro, exhibits epinastic growth of leaves; root growth is slightly more sensitive to IAA inhibition of elongation; gup1-1 leads to enhanced kanamycin resistance in the AIR1-8 background via an nptII gene under control of a tobacco GST promoter; also shows an increased mRNA level of GST5 from Arabidopsis (designated At103-1a in van der Kop et. al. 1999); kanamycin resistant.
- CS2259 — short and stubby root hairs, lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS226 — no visible phenotype when grown in soil; when grown in vitro, exhibits epinastic growth of leaves; root growth is slightly more sensitive to IAA inhibition of elongation
- CS28175 — Medium rosette; leaf margins slightly serrated; glabrous (lacks trichomes on leaves and stems); observed flowering time was 24 days after planting; average height = 41 cm.
- CS3108 — altered fatty acid composition, glabrous, no other phenotypic effect.
- CS3126 — Mechanical wounding largely restore trichome formation of gl1-2 in jasmonate signaling-dependent manner.
- CS3126 — no trichomes on early leaves, number of trichomes increases on later leaves, concentrating at the leaf margins.
- CS3137 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some rudimentary trichomes in leaf margins, narrow leaves.
- CS3138 — serrated and small leaves, possibly segregates for late flowering; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS3139 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves; narrow leaves; yellow seeds (lacks brown pigment in seed coat); light green plants, sensitive to some amino acids.
- CS3140 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves; erecta phenotype; green plants at early stages, green-yellowish bushy plants later.
- CS3141 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, virescent (yellowish plants), erecta phenotype.
- CS3142 — veins darker than interveinal tissues; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some rudimentary trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3237 — narrow, thick and slightly serrated leaves; lacks trichomes on leaf surface and stems, some rudimentary trichomes in leaf margins; yellow seeds (lacks brown pigment in seed coat).
- CS3259 — narrow leaves; bright green stems and siliques, abnormal wax layer; fully fertile; compact habit, short petioles, blunt siliques; lacks trichomes on leaves and stems (glabrous), some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3289 — no trichomes on early leaves, number of trichomes increases on later leaves, concentrating at the leaf margins, phenotype similar to gl1-2.
- CS3311 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3328 — yellow-green cotyledons, leaf margins yellow; delayed flowering (ca. 3-4x), large rosettes with numerous rounded leaves; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3355 — no trichomes on early leaves, number of trichomes increases on later leaves, concentrating at the leaf margins, phenotype similar to gl1-2.
- CS3368 — angustifolia, apetala, pyrimidine requiring, erecta, long hypocotyl, glabra, brevipedicellus, eceriferum, transparent testa.
- CS3372 — green, yellow and white variegated, with irregular and diffuse demarcation of sectors; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS3392 — yellow-green plants, lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some rudimentary trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3414 — delayed flowering (ca. 5-6x); numerous, narrow, somewhat serrated rosette leaves; young leaves have darker veins than intervenal tissue; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins; yellow seeds (lacks brown pigment in seed coat).
- CS3436 — narrow and thick leaves; leaves but not cotyledons white-yellow, conditional lethal, thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase deficient, thiamine restores to normal; narrow leaves; yellow seeds (lacks brown pigment in seed coat); lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3443 — asymmetric rosette leaves, leaf edges slightly curled under, somewhat triangular-shaped leaves; green, yellow and white variegated plants; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS3467 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3469 — leaves but not cotyledons white-yellow, conditional lethal, thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase deficient, thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3472 — leaves but not cotyledons white, conditional lethal, 4-methyl-5-hydroxyethyl-thiazole or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3510 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3519 — leaves but not cotyledons white-yellow, growth rate and development improves with addition of vitamin B1 but position of genetic block not determined; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3522 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3523 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3524 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3525 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3527 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3533 — leaves but not cotyledons yellow-green, conditional lethal, thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase deficient, thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some rudimentary trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3539 — leaves but not cotyledons white-yellow, conditional lethal, thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase deficient, thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3540 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3542 — leaves but not cotyledons white-yellow, conditional lethal, thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3555 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3563 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3573 — leaves but not cotyledons white, conditional lethal, 4-methyl-5-hydroxyethyl-thiazole or thiamine restores to normal; trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3574 — leaves but not cotyledons white, conditional lethal, 4-methyl-5-hydroxyethyl-thiazole or thiamine restores to normal; no trichomes on early leaves, number of trichomes increases on later leaves, concentrating at the leaf margins.
- CS3581 — leaves but not cotyledons white, conditional lethal, 4-methyl-5-hydroxyethyl-thiazole or thiamine restores to normal; no trichomes on early leaves, number of trichomes increases on later leaves, concentrating at the leaf margins.
- CS3595 — narrow leaves, slightly twisted siliques; compact rosette and inflorescences, short petioles, blunt siliques; leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS3601 — leaves but not cotyledons white/pale; conditional lethal; blocked in the synthesis of the pyrimidine part of vitamin B1; 2,5-dimethyl-4-aminopyrimidine or thiamine restores to normal; late flowering, many leaves rounder, relatively insensitive to vernalization or incandescent light and short days; trichomes absent on stems and leaves; compact and relatively semi-dwarf plants.
- CS3723 — defective in developmental pathways that cannot be rescued by brassinosteroid treatment; severely dwarfed stature; dark green plants with thickened leaves; male sterile; reduced apical dominance; dark-grown seedlings are de-etiolated; sensitive to auxins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid and gibberellins; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS3730 — strong allele; valine resistant; decreased sensitivity of acetolactate synthase (ALS) to the branched-chain amino acids, valine, leucine and isoleucine; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3779 — reduced shoot apical meristem (SAM); unable to complete the vegetative-inflorescence transition, instead enter a vegetative-inflorescence-vegetative-inflorescence development before the individual shoots fully complete the transition to inflorescence growth; regular rosette and apparently normal shoot are produced initially, after the inflorescence raceme has elongated, a new secondary rosette of leaves is produced, often two shoots emerge from this secondary rosette; aerial rosettes with numerous leaves often abnormally shaped along thin secondary stems; small and bushy plants; reduced number of flowers per inflorescence; reduced number of petals, stamens and carpels; female sterile; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3780 — weak allele; reduced shoot apical meristem (SAM); unable to complete the vegetative-inflorescence transition, instead enter a vegetative-inflorescence-vegetative-inflorescence development before the individual shoots fully complete the transition to inflorescence growth; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins
- CS3782 — weak allele; aberrant leaf morphology; no clear distinction between the petiole and the leaf blade; leaves are narrow and pointed; with elongated appearance, small, dark-green, irregularly serrated and curled dawn in the apix; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3783 — weak allele; aberrant leaf morphology; no clear distinction between the petiole and the leaf blade; leaves are narrow and pointed, with elongated appearance, small, dark-green, irregularly serrated and curled dawn in the apix; somewhat late flowering; abnormal inflorescence bearing flowers with reduced fertility; bushy plants; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3784 — weak allele; aberrant leaf morphology; no clear distinction between the petiole and the leaf blade; leaves are narrow and pointed, with elongated appearance, dark-green, irregularly serrated and curled dawn in the apix; somewhat late flowering; abnormal inflorescence bearing flowers with reduced fertility; bushy plants; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3785 — strong allele; aberrant leaf morphology; long and thin petiols; leaves are dark-green, with gross irregular outhgrowths of leaf tissue along the leaf edges, giving an irregular leaf shape appearance, leaf edges curled down and torted; asymmetric leaf surface; occassionally two leaves come out from a petiol or a complete leaf from another leaf; abnormal inflorescence bearing esterile flowers; bushy plants.
- CS3786 — altered leaf development; young rosette leaves are small, rounded, distorted with asymmetric surface; older rosette leaves are big, with irregular gross (not sharp) serrations and curled (rolled) down margins; serrated cauline leaves; slow growth rate; small plants; population segregating for gl-1 (lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins).
- CS3787 — early flowering; photoperiod-insensitive; long hypocotyl in light-grown seedlings; conditional circadian dysfunction; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3788 — early flowering; photoperiod-insensitive; long hypocotyl in light-grown seedlings; conditional circadian dysfunction; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3791 — early flowering; photoperiod-insensitive; long hypocotyl in light-grown seedlings; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS38 — brighter green stems and siliques than wild type; defective in normal epicuticular wax deposition; very much reduced lobed plates and tube-shaped epicuticular wax structures on the surface of stems and siliques; normal fertility.
- CS3807 — reduced camalexin synthesis in response to infection; stock segregating for gl1-1 (lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins).
- CS3819 — extreme hypersensitivity of seedlings and roots to both UV-B and UV-C radiation under nonphotoreactivating conditions but intermediate hypersensitivity under photoreactivating conditions; extreme hypersensitivity of seeds to ionizing radiation; plants show chlorosis, wilting and extensive cell death following exposure of leaves to small acute fluences of UV radiation that does not affect wt plants; irradiation of seeds with gamma rays inhibits the production of the first true leaves at lower doses than required for wt plants; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS3820 — strong allele; extreme hypersensitivity of seedlings and roots to UV-B and UV-C radiation under both photoreactivating and nonphotoreactivating conditions; intermediate hypersensitivity of seeds to ionizing radiation; plants show chlorosis, wilting and extensive cell death following exposure of leaves to small acute fluences of UV radiation that does not affect wt plants; irradiation of seeds with gamma rays inhibits the production of the first true leaves at lower doses than required for wt plants; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins
- CS3879 — leaf margins slightly serrated, height = 25-35 cm; glabrous (gl1, lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS6148 — Weak allele; ovule defective; female sterile; outer integument initiates in the correct location on the abaxial side of an ovule primordium, however, subsequent growth of the outer integument is reduced, and the outer integument fails to completely enclose the inner integument and nucellus, a protuberance appears on the adaxial side of the ovule, undergoes limited expansion and is partially covered by the reduced outer integument; no visible alterations in other aspects of ovule, flower or vegetative development; segregating for glabrous phenotype (lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS6166 — intermediate allele; homeotic conversion of sepals (first whorl) to leaf-like; some secondary flowers are formed in the axils of the transformed sepals; petals often absent (second whorl); phenotype varies acropetally, with more complete flower-to-inflorescence conversions in basal flowers and at low temperature, lacks trichomes on stems and leaves, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS6167 — early flowering; determinate inflorescence with terminal compound floral structure consisting of 2 or 3, sometimes incomplete, flowers; more severe phenotype at higher temperatures and longer photoperiods; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS6193 — susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain carrying the avirulence gene avrB from the soybean pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea; lacks trichomes on stem and leaves.
- CS6281 — intermediate/strong allele; early-arising flowers completely transformed into inflorescence shoots, late-arising flowers partially transformed; petals and stamens absent; sterile; more severe phenotype under short days and lower temperature; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS6284 — strong allele; early-arising flowers completely transformed into inflorescence shoots, late-arising flowers partially transformed; petals and stamens absent; sterile; more severe phenotype under short days and lower temperature.
- CS6300 — plant variegated green, yellow and white; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS6356 — ndr1-1 blocks reactive oxygen-dependent induction of salicylic acid biosynthesis, producing race non-specific effects on disease resistance and race-specific effects on systemic acquired resistance (SAR), pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression and the hypersensitive response (HR); no visible phenotype. npr1-2 blocks negative feedback on the hypersensitive response (HR); reduced expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes in response to salicylic acid; enhanced susceptibility to the virulent bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola strain ES4326; no visible phenotype; null allele.gl1 lacks trichomes on leaves and stems.
- CS6364 — Wild type morphology; suppresses silencing of the Superman (SUP) gene, reactivating silent SUP alleles; decreases CpNpG and asymmetric DNA methylation as well as histone H3 lysine-9 methylation; blocks histone and DNA methylation and the accumulation of 25-nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that correspond to the retroelement AtSN1; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS6367 — The kyp-2 mutant has defects in callus formation under laboratory conditions. Many fewer seeds form calluses compared to wild type seeds, and the calluses that do form are delayed and smaller in size. kyp-2 mutants are defective in the process known as alternative lengthening of telomeres, a telomerase-independent process. These mutants also show a loss of association between K9-dimethylated H3 histones and telomeric and centromeric DNA via ChIP assays.
- CS6367 — Wild type morphology; lacks the cytosine methylation at sites of CpNpG trinucleotides (where N is A, C, G or T); low level of expression of two retrotransposon-related sequences (Athila and Ta3 sequences); suppresses the clark kent allele clk-3; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS64 — lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS6515 — Absence of trichomes on leaf and stem surfaces
- CS65878 — Severely reduced trichome induction in response to mechanical wounding or methyl jasmonate treatment. Seed germination may be slightly delayed.
- CS65879 — Severely reduced trichome induction in response to mechanical wounding or methyl jasmonate treatment. urm23 behaves as incompletely dominant in the presence of gl1-2 mutation.
- CS6930 — leaf margins slightly serrated, height = 25-35 cm; glabrous (gl1, lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS6955 — Strong allele. Elongated hypocotyl (10-12mm); trichomes absent on leaves and stems, some trichomes in leaf margins.
- CS70980 — No visible phenotype.
- CS70981 — Glabrous plants
- CS70983 — Glabrous plants
- CS72368 — low fluorescence phenotype (severely decreased Fo and Fm)
- CS72369 — low fluorescence phenotype (mildly decreased Fo and Fm)
- CS72799 — trichomeless; narrow leaves; low fertility
- CS72800 — trichomeless; narrow leaves
- CS73258 — reduced outer integument growth results in fewer seeds than normal and imperfect seeds with reduced storage stability; reduced fertility
- CS8010 — requires high CO2 to prevent flux of metabolites into the photorespiratory pathway; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS8155 — leaf margins slightly serrated, height = 25-35 cm; glabrous (gl1, lacks trichomes on leaves and stems).
- CS8162 — trp1-101: blue fluorescent under long and short wave UV light; resistant to 5-methylanthranilate and 6-methylanthranilate; gl1-1: lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS8165 — weakly blue fluorescent under long and short wave UV light; resistant to 5-methylanthranilate and 6-methylanthranilate; slight cross-resistance to analogs of other amino acids; lacks trichomes on stems and leaves.
- CS9569 — mild root growth phenotypes; root length slightly shorter than wild type; roots grow downward in response to gravity, but are abnormally straight
- CS9959 — Hairiness is absent on rosette leaves and stems. Short bent club-like trichomes on margins stem leaves.
- Col(gl1) — specific accession of Columbia not known.
- aba2-2 — Adult plants wilt under dessicating conditions.
- aba2-2 — After bolting, the wilty phenotype became evident in the shoot apex, cauline leaves and immature siliques of this mutant. This phenotype was partially restored by application of 10 μM ABA to rosette leaves.
- aba2-2 — Approximately 40% of mutant seeds germinate after far red/red light treatment, whereas wild type germination was suppressed almost entirely.
- aba2-2 — Endogenous ABA levels in fresh and dehydrated tissues of the mutant were about 23% and 2.4%, respectively, of those of the wild type plants.
- aba2-2 — Endogenous levels of 12 amino acids were at least 2-fold greater in wild-type than in the mutant plants after 18 h dehydration. Amino acids that exhibited marked increases were leucine (152-fold), isoleucine (95-fold), proline (83-fold) and valine (25-fold). Aspartic acid was the only amino acid which showed a significant reduction in wild-type plants during dehydration. In dehydrated tissues of the mutant, 9 amino acids increased more than 2-fold during dehydration, however the increases in the mutant plants were less pronounced than those in wild-type plants. Glycine and alanine showed greater increases in comparison to wild type, whereas the levels of glutamic acid and aspartic acid showed a reduction in the mutant during dehydration.
- aba2-2 — Free amino acid levels in fresh tissues of the mutant plants at 30 DAI were similar to those in wild type, however the level of proline in the mutant plants was 4-fold higher than that in wild type.
- aba2-2 — Germination of the mutant seeds after irradiation with far red light is inhibited by paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis.
- aba2-2 — Mutant showed a similar sensitivity to 25 mM trehalose as wild type (inhibition of root growth).
- aba2-2 — Seeds have a reduced dormancy.
- aba2-2 — Several GA biosynthesis genes are upregulated in the mutant compared to wild type during seed development.
- aba2-2 — The mutant embryos are morphologically normal, although mature embryos are more yellow compared to white wild-type embryos.
- aba2-2 — The mutant has smaller rosette leaves and mature plants are not yellowish as has been reported for abal mutants.
- aba2-2 — Under the reported growth conditions, approximately 10% of the dark germinated seedlings of the mutant produced true leaves. The dark germinated seedlings of the mutant did not show further growth even after a prolonged period of darkness.
- crr7-1 — No visible phenotype compared to Col-0/gl1 wild-type.
- crr7-1 — Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) is slightly increased in the mutant.
- ku70 tert — In contrast to the ku70 mutant, which undergo telomerase-dependent expansion to more than twice the normal length in a single generation, the ku70 tert double mutant displays accelerated telomere shortening and a precocious onset of genome stability.
- ms35 (gl1) — Compared to wild type, no secondary thickening or lignification is seen in the anther endothecium, although other tissues in the mutant plant undergo normal secondary thickening. As the anther dehydrates the endothecium layer distorts, shearing forces do not develop, and the anther fails to open.
- ms35 (gl1) — Male-sterile as a result of a failure of anther dehiscence.
- pad3-2 — reduced camalexin synthesis in response to infection.
- pot1-1 ku70 tert — Same degree of telomere shortening as in the pot1 ku70 and ku70 tert double mutants.
- pot1-1 tert — Telomeres in the double mutants shortened at the same rate as in either single mutant.
- pot1-1 tert — Telomeres of the same length and sharp banding profile were found in the double mutant, as in their tert and pot1-1 siblings.
- sos3-1 siz1-1 — Decrease of macronutrients concentration in the MS salt formulation to 1/20X results in a substantial reduction in primary root growth.
- sos3-1 siz1-1 — Mutant grown in greenhouse or growth chamber exhibits reduced shoot and root biomass relative to the wild-type.
- sos3-1 siz1-1 — Mutant grown on Pi-deficient medium for 25 days accumulate more anthocyanins than wild-type.
- sos3-1 siz1-1 — Substantially more pronounced prototypical Pi starvation root architecture responses than sos3-1 or wild-type seedlings. On Pi-limited medium, mutant seedlings exhibit an inhibition of primary root growth, an increase of lateral root development and length, and higher root/shoot fresh weight ratio than wild-type. Enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae DC3000. Smaller in stature. Impaired drought tolerance.
- sos3-1 siz1-1 — Suppression of NaCl sensitivity of sos3-1 seedlings.
- tert — 50% of the mitotic nuclei in anaphase from tert mutants with severe growth defects (in the G8 generation) have anaphase bridges, while none are found in comparable wild type controls. These anaphase bridges occur disproportionately often between rDNA regions. A number of chromosomal defects can also be visualized during metaphase in these mutants. About 30% of the leaf mesophyll cells examined in tert G8 mutants have elevated numbers of nucleoli.
- tert — Late generation, starting around G3, tert mutants have decreased root meristem size and overall root length. This is correlated with decreased telomere length in successive generations suggesting maintenance of meristem activity is coupled to telomere length.
- tert — No obvious phenotypic changes in the first (G1) or second (G2) generation. However, starting in G1, the telomeric smear in AtTERT-deficient plants was replaced by several sharp bands. By G2 at least 11 discrete telomeric fragments were visible.
- urm23 gl1-2 — urm23 enhances the hypomorphic gl1-2 allele and results in almost complete glabrousness (loss of trichomes) in normal growth condition. urm23 gl1-2 double mutant does not increase trichomes at all in response to wounding or methyl jasmonate treatment. urm23 is dominant in gl1-2 background. gl1-2 is incompletely dominant in urm23 background.
Function-related keywords:
- Gamma-radiation induces leaf trichome formation in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1104/pp.120.1.113 ; PMID: 10318689
- Control of GL2 expression in Arabidopsis leaves and trichomes. DOI: 10.1242/dev.125.7.1161 ; PMID: 9477315
- A model for cell-type determination and differentiation in plants. DOI: NA ; PMID: 1843415
- Arabidopsis transcription factors: genome-wide comparative analysis among eukaryotes. DOI: 10.1126/science.290.5499.2105 ; PMID: 11118137
- The R2R3-MYB gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI: 10.1016/s1369-5266(00)00199-0 ; PMID: 11597504
- Developmentally distinct MYB genes encode functionally equivalent proteins in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1242/dev.128.9.1539 ; PMID: 11290293
- Overexpression of the AtmybL2 gene represses trichome development in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1093/dnares/9.2.31 ; PMID: 12056412
- Cell-fate specification in the epidermis: a common patterning mechanism in the root and shoot. DOI: 10.1016/s136952660200002x ; PMID: 12495754
- GeBP, the first member of a new gene family in Arabidopsis, encodes a nuclear protein with DNA-binding activity and is regulated by KNAT1. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-313x.2003.01622.x ; PMID: 12535344
- A network of redundant bHLH proteins functions in all TTG1-dependent pathways of Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1242/dev.00681 ; PMID: 12917293
- A conserved transcript pattern in response to a specialist and a generalist herbivore. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.104.026120 ; PMID: 15494554
- GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS modulates the regulation by gibberellins of epidermal differentiation and shoot maturation in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.106.041533 ; PMID: 16679458
- Participation of the Arabidopsis bHLH factor GL3 in trichome initiation regulatory events. DOI: 10.1104/pp.107.104521 ; PMID: 17885086
- TRICHOMELESS1 regulates trichome patterning by suppressing GLABRA1 in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1242/dev.009597 ; PMID: 17933793
- The TTG1-bHLH-MYB complex controls trichome cell fate and patterning through direct targeting of regulatory loci. DOI: 10.1242/dev.016873 ; PMID: 18434419
- Comprehensive analysis of single-repeat R3 MYB proteins in epidermal cell patterning and their transcriptional regulation in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-8-81 ; PMID: 18644155
- Arabidopsis transient expression analysis reveals that activation of GLABRA2 may require concurrent binding of GLABRA1 and GLABRA3 to the promoter of GLABRA2. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcn159 ; PMID: 18948276
- Jasmonic acid control of GLABRA3 links inducible defense and trichome patterning in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1242/dev.030585 ; PMID: 19234066
- SAD2 in Arabidopsis functions in trichome initiation through mediating GL3 function and regulating GL1, TTG1 and GL2 expression. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2008.00695.x ; PMID: 18713401
- Transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis wild-type and gl3-sst sim trichomes identifies four additional genes required for trichome development. DOI: 10.1093/mp/ssp037 ; PMID: 19626137
- Functional diversity of R3 single-repeat genes in trichome development. DOI: 10.1242/dev.021733 ; PMID: 19336467
- Temporal control of trichome distribution by microRNA156-targeted SPL genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.109.072579 ; PMID: 20622149
- The Jasmonate-ZIM-domain proteins interact with the WD-Repeat/bHLH/MYB complexes to regulate Jasmonate-mediated anthocyanin accumulation and trichome initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.111.083261 ; PMID: 21551388
- Functional characterization of TRICHOMELESS2, a new single-repeat R3 MYB transcription factor in the regulation of trichome patterning in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-11-176 ; PMID: 22168948
- Zinc finger protein5 is required for the control of trichome initiation by acting upstream of zinc finger protein8 in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1104/pp.111.180281 ; PMID: 21803862
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- Mutual control of intracellular localisation of the patterning proteins AtMYC1, GL1 and TRY/CPC in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1242/dev.094698 ; PMID: 23900543
- Arabidopsis DELLA and JAZ proteins bind the WD-repeat/bHLH/MYB complex to modulate gibberellin and jasmonate signaling synergy. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.121731 ; PMID: 24659329
- Comparison of five major trichome regulatory genes in Brassica villosa with orthologues within the Brassicaceae. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095877 ; PMID: 24755905
- Arabidopsis TTG2 regulates TRY expression through enhancement of activator complex-triggered activation. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.114.129379 ; PMID: 25304203
- RPN1a, a subunit of the 26S proteasome, controls trichome development in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2015.01.012 ; PMID: 25676129
- GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS3 (GIS3) regulates trichome initiation and development in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1111/nph.13218 ; PMID: 25640859
- Single-cell telomere-length quantification couples telomere length to meristem activity and stem cell development in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.04.013 ; PMID: 25937286
- TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 and GLABRA1 Compete for Binding to GLABRA3 in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1104/pp.15.00328 ; PMID: 25926482
- Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 controls cell fate determination during post-embryonic development. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00955 ; PMID: 26579186
- A single amino acid substitution in the R3 domain of GLABRA1 leads to inhibition of trichome formation in Arabidopsis without affecting its interaction with GLABRA3. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12695 ; PMID: 26667588
- Ectopic expression of R3 MYB transcription factor gene OsTCL1 in Arabidopsis, but not rice, affects trichome and root hair formation. DOI: 10.1038/srep19254 ; PMID: 26758286
- Two IIIf Clade-bHLHs from Freesia hybrida Play Divergent Roles in Flavonoid Biosynthesis and Trichome Formation when Ectopically Expressed in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1038/srep30514 ; PMID: 27465838
- The composition of surface wax on trichomes of Arabidopsis thaliana differs from wax on other epidermal cells. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13294 ; PMID: 27496682
- Changes in cuticular wax coverage and composition on developing Arabidopsis leaves are influenced by wax biosynthesis gene expression levels and trichome density. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-016-2603-6 ; PMID: 27730411
- Biochemical and redox characterization of the mediator complex and its associated transcription factor GeBPL, a GLABROUS1 enhancer binding protein. DOI: 10.1042/BJ20150132 ; PMID: 25877331
- The effects of surface structure mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana on the polarization of reflections from virus-infected leaves. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174014 ; PMID: 28346494
- The novel transcription factor TRP interacts with ZFP5, a trichome initiation-related transcription factor, and negatively regulates trichome initiation through gibberellic acid signaling. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-018-0697-x ; PMID: 29335898
- Red Light-Induced Phosphorylation of Plasma Membrane H(+)-ATPase in Stomatal Guard Cells. DOI: 10.1104/pp.18.00544 ; PMID: 30104254
- GCN5 modulates trichome initiation in Arabidopsis by manipulating histone acetylation of core trichome initiation regulator genes. DOI: 10.1007/s00299-019-02404-2 ; PMID: 30927071
- Updates on molecular mechanisms in the development of branched trichome in Arabidopsis and nonbranched in cotton. DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13167 ; PMID: 31111642
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- Arabidopsis JMJ29 is involved in trichome development by regulating the core trichome initiation gene GLABRA3. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14858 ; PMID: 32445267
- Quantitative insight into the combinatorial interactions within MYB-BHLH-WD complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000293 ; PMID: 32844153
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- A pair of DUF538 domain-containing proteins modulates plant growth and trichome development through the transcriptional regulation of GLABRA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15487 ; PMID: 34496091
- Trichomes on reproductive organs in Arabidopsis: a new trait in an ancient lineage. DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koaa051 ; PMID: 35234940
- MYB transcription factors drive evolutionary innovations in Arabidopsis fruit trichome patterning. DOI: 10.1093/plcell/koaa041 ; PMID: 33955486
- Differential environmental and genomic architectures shape the natural diversity for trichome patterning and morphology in different Arabidopsis organs. DOI: 10.1111/pce.14308 ; PMID: 35289421
- A molecular framework for signaling crosstalk between jasmonate and ethylene in anthocyanin biosynthesis, trichome development, and defenses against insect herbivores in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13319 ; PMID: 35763421
- TOE1/TOE2 Interacting with GIS to Control Trichome Development in Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.3390/ijms24076698 ; PMID: 37047669
- SDG26 Is Involved in Trichome Control in Arabidopsis thaliana: Affecting Phytohormones and Adjusting Accumulation of H3K27me3 on Genes Related to Trichome Growth and Development. DOI: 10.3390/plants12081651 ; PMID: 37111875
- Expression pattern shifts following duplication indicative of subfunctionalization and neofunctionalization in regulatory genes of Arabidopsis. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msj051 ; PMID: 16280546
- The MYB transcription factor superfamily of Arabidopsis: expression analysis and phylogenetic comparison with the rice MYB family. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-005-2910-y ; PMID: 16463103
cDNA Sequence
- >AT3G27920.1
CDS Sequence
- >AT3G27920.1
Protein Sequence
- >AT3G27920.1