Gene Details:
Functional Descriptions:
- Demonstrated that several nitrate-responsive genes (PuNRT1.1, PuNRT2.4, PuCLC-b, PuNIA2, PuNIR1, and PuNLP1), phosphate-responsive genes (PuPHL1A and PuPHL1B), and an iron transporter gene (PuIRT1) were substantiated to be direct targets of PuHox52.
- Among them, PuNRT1.1, PuPHL1A/PuPHL1B, and PuIRT1 were upregulated to relatively higher levels during PuHox52-mediated responses against N deficiency in PuHox52-overexpression lines compared to WT.
- Our results revealed that PuHox52 directly regulates a master nitrate-responsive gene, PuNRT1.1, two key phosphate-responsive genes, PuPHL1A and PuPHL1B, and an iron transporter gene, PuIRT1, after N deprivation, thereby coordinately regulating nitrate, phosphate, and iron uptake under low N condition.
- These results indicate that PuHox52 also augments Pi uptake through direct regulation of PuPHL1A and PuPHL1B under LN condition.
Function-related keywords:
- transporter , iron , nitrate , phosphate , pi , nitrate-transporter , pi-uptake
- PuHox52 promotes coordinated uptake of nitrate, phosphate, and iron under nitrogen deficiency in Populus ussuriensis. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.13389 ; PMID: 36226597
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: ON411321
- UniProt accessions:
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: