Gene Details:
- Gene ID:
- Gene Symbol: NtSCP1
- Gene Name: serine carboxypeptidase III
- Genome:
- Species: Nicotiana tabacum
Functional Descriptions:
- We isolated cDNAs for two extracellular serine carboxypeptidase III genes from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), NtSCP1 and NtSCP2, belonging to a phylogenetic clade not yet functionally characterized in plants.
- NtSCP1 and NtSCP2 are orthologs derived from the two ancestors of tobacco. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that NtSCP1 and NtSCP2 are expressed in root, stem, leaf, and flower tissues.
- Western blotting of NtSCP1 and expression of an NtSCP1-green fluorescent protein fusion protein showed that the protein is located in the extracellular space of tobacco leaves and culture cells. Purified His-tagged NtSCP1 had carboxypeptidase activity in vitro.
- NtSCP1 showed a reduced flower length due to a decrease in cell size. Etiolated seedlings of these transgenic plants had shorter hypocotyls. These data provide support for a role of an extracellular type III carboxypeptidase in the control of cell elongation.
Function-related keywords:
- leaf , seedlings , stem , root , flower , root-elongation , cell-elongation , root-length , leaf-size , protein
- NtSCP1 from tobacco is an extracellular serine carboxypeptidase III that has an impact on cell elongation. DOI: 10.1104/pp.111.192088 ; PMID: 22214816
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: EF378608.1
- UniProt accessions:
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: