Gene Details:

Functional Descriptions:

  • GA signaling protein LsRGL1 interacts with the abscisic acid signaling-related gene LsWRKY70 to affect the bolting of leaf lettuce.
  • To clarify the potential role of GAs in leaf lettuce, significant enrichment of GA pathway genes was found by RNA-seq, among which the LsRGL1 gene was considered significant.
  • LsRGL1 mediates gibberellin signaling during leaf lettuce bolting.
  • LsRGL1 could interact with the promoter region of LsWRKY70, which confirmed that the LsWRKY70 gene performs a vital function in leaf lettuce in terms of its development and growth.
  • LsRGL1 controls the bolting and flowering times of lettuce by modulating the gibberellin pathway.


Gene Resources:

  • NCBI ID:
  • UniProt accessions:



  • CDS Sequence:
  • Protein Sequence: