Gene Details:
Functional Descriptions:
- The NAC domain-containing protein, GmNAC6, is a downstream component of the ER stress- and osmotic stress-induced NRP-mediated cell-death signaling pathway.
- Similar to NRP-A and NRP-B, GmNAC6 is induced by ER stress and osmotic stress individually, but requires both signals for full activation.
- Transient expression of GmNAC6 promoted cell death and hypersensitive-like responses in planta.
- Our results biochemically link GmNAC6 to the ER stress- and osmotic stress-integrating cell death response and show that GmNAC6 may act downstream of the NRPs.
Function-related keywords:
- The NAC domain-containing protein, GmNAC6, is a downstream component of the ER and osmotic stress-induced NRP-mediated cell-death signaling pathway. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-11-129 ; PMID: 21943253
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: DQ028774.1
- UniProt accessions: I1LPE9
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: