Gene Details:
Functional Descriptions:
- GmMAX2a restored atmax2 root hair defects and soybean root hairs were changed in GmMAX2a overexpression (GmMAX2a-OE) or knockdown (GmMAX2a-KD) mutants.
- Mutation of GmMAX2a in its KD or OE transgenic hairy roots affected the rhizobia infection-induced increases in early nodulation gene expression.
- GmMAX2a physically interacted with SL/KAR receptors GmD14s, GmKAIs, and GmD14Ls with different binding affinities, depending on variations in the critical amino acids, forming active D14/KAI-SCFMAX2 complexes.
- GmMAX2a complemented max2 mutant defects in root hair development.
- The study provides fresh insights into the roles of GmMAX2-mediated SL/KAR signaling in soybean root hair and nodule formation.
Function-related keywords:
- root , development , root-development , root-hair , nodule , nodulation
- GmMAX2-D14 and -KAI interaction-mediated SL and KAR signaling play essential roles in soybean root nodulation. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14545 ; PMID: 31559658
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: KY486800
- UniProt accessions:
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: