Gene Details:
Functional Descriptions:
- High CO2/hypoxia-induced softening of persimmon fruit is modulated by DkERF8/16 and DkNAC9 complexes.
- EMSAs indicated that DkNAC9 retarded the biotin-labeled probe and that the cold competitor probe (without biotin labeling) could reduce the band intensity.
- Based on these findings, we conclude that DkNAC9 is a direct transcriptional activator of DkEGase1 that can co-operate with DkERF8/16 to enhance fruit post-deastringency softening.
- Involvement of high CO2/hypoxia-responsive DkNAC9 in regulating post-deastringency softening.
Function-related keywords:
- High CO2/hypoxia-induced softening of persimmon fruit is modulated by DkERF8/16 and DkNAC9 complexes. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/eraa009 ; PMID: 31926021
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: MH253881
- UniProt accessions:
- CDS Sequence:
- Protein Sequence: