Gene Details:
- Gene ID: Capana00g000236
- Gene Symbol: CaARF9
- Gene Name:
- Genome:
- Species: Capsicum annuum
Functional Descriptions:
- Demonstrate that an auxin response factor, CaARF9, has dual roles in enhancing the immune resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum infection and in retarding plant growth by repressing the expression of its target genes as exemplified by Casmc4, CaLBD37, CaAPK1b and CaRROP1.
- Under R. solanacearum infection, however, degradation of CaIAA2 is triggered by SA and JA-mediated signalling defence by the ubiquitin-proteasome system, which enables CaARF9 in the absence of CaIAA2 to repress the expression of Casmc4, CaLBD37, CaAPK1b and CaRROP1 and, in turn, impeding plant growth while facilitating plant defence to R. solanacearum infection.
- Our findings uncover an exquisite mechanism underlying the trade-off between plant growth and immunity mediated by the transcriptional repressor CaARF9 and its deactivation when complexed with CaIAA2.
Function-related keywords:
- growth , auxin , resistance , ja , immunity , auxin-response , plant-growth , immune-response , ubiquitin , sa , defence , defence-response , transcriptional-repressor , immunity-signalling , plant-immunity , ja-signalling-repressor , ja-signalling
- CaIAA2-CaARF9 module mediates the trade-off between pepper growth and immunity. DOI: 10.1111/pbi.14325 ; PMID: 38450864
Related News:
Gene Resources:
- NCBI ID: XP_047258723.1
- UniProt accessions:
- CDS Sequence:
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